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RetailWhiz Privacy Policy

RetailWhiz is now  This Privacy Policy applies to users still on the RetailWhiz service.

About RetailWhiz Privacy Policy

The RetailWhiz Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you on your subscription and use of the RetailWhiz mobile application ("Mobile App"), RetailWhiz web application ("Web App"), and RetailWhiz website (“Website”) (collectively referred to as “Service”).


Your privacy is very important to us. The RetailWhiz Privacy Policy states the information we collect and receive or generate, how we use and process information, how you control your personal information, and how we protect information. From time to time, we may update the RetailWhiz Privacy Policy to reflect current changes in our policy and the law. When we do so, we will give you proper notice and post it on our website.


By your continued subscription and use of the Service, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information for the purposes set out in the RetailWhiz Privacy Policy.


Information We Collect and Receive

During registration, we request you to provide us with your personal information, such as your name, company or business name, valid email address, and other required information so that we can establish, process, and manage your account when you apply for subscription and use the Service. We may further request you to provide us with additional information to provide you with customer support and help us improve and develop the Service.


You have the responsibility to inform users under your Account about the information given to and received or generated by RetailWhiz and get their consent to provide such information.


RetailWhiz may collect and receive or generate the following data:

  1. Account Information – To create an account with RetailWhiz, Customer is required to provide the following information: Full Name, Email Address, Company Name, Mobile Number.

  2. Usage Information – Use of the RetailWhiz mobile and web app collects and generates the following information: 

    1. Location – A user’s location is recorded at each check in and check out. Location is determined by the mobile device’s GPS and cellular and/or wifi network.

    2. Route – We also receive a user’s route for as long as the mobile app is open, even in the background. To map a route, we receive a user’s location every 10 meters and/or 1 minute.

    3. Device Information – RetailWhiz collects information about the device manufacturer and model, operating system, device settings, and crash data.

  3. Data from third-party services – RetailWhiz may use third-party services for analytics purposes. Data generated by such services may include the following: app usage statistics, IP addresses, ISPs, device hardware information, operating system and browser information, and general location information (city and country).


How We Use and Process Information

We use and process the information we collect to:

  1. Establish, process, and manage your account

  2. Customize applicable features of the Service 

  3. Provide you with your subscribed Service as well as customer support

  4. Bill you for your subscription and process payment

  5. Communicate with you to provide you with relevant information on the Service, and respond to your support requests, comments and questions. We may send you mandatory emails and other types of communication related to administrative, service, and technical concerns such as updates or changes to our Service and critical Service notices such as security notices and incident reports. We may also send you other communications from time to time such as new Service features, Service-related articles, promotional communications or other information about the Service. Such communications are part of our marketing communications and you may opt out of this at any time. 

  6. Comply with the law and legal process

  7. Improve and develop the Service


When required by the RetailWhiz Privacy Policy and the law and before we use or process your information for any other purpose than the above purposes, we will ask for your consent.


We may outsource or contract the processing of the information we collect, including personal information, to third parties to fulfill any of the above purposes. They are only authorized to use the information for such contracted purposes. They may have access to the information for a limited time under reasonable contractual and technical safeguards to limit their use of such information. We require them to protect the information consistent with the RetailWhiz Privacy Policy.


How We Share Your Information


  1. Customer Access – Account Owners, Admins and other users with relevant roles and access permissions may be able to view, modify, or restrict access to personal information of users under your Account.

  2. Third Party Service Providers and Partners – We may engage third-party service providers or business partners to maintain and support our Service and such providers may have access to your information for this purpose.

  3. Aggregated or Masked Data – We may use aggregated or masked information for purposes such as usage and business statistics for presentation to stakeholders and prospective business partners, research, and marketing communications.

  4. Change in RetailWhiz Business – In case of an acquisition, merger, dissolution, bankruptcy, partial sale, financing, public offering of stocks or any similar change in business, including the steps toward such activities, RetailWhiz may share your information to respective parties. The disclosure will be subject to standard confidentiality agreements.


How We Protect Information

We respect your privacy. We hold any information we collect with utmost care and confidence, and strive to process your information accurately and confidentially. We particularly endeavor to secure and protect your personal information with proper safeguards to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information, prevent its use for unauthorized purposes, and comply with the requirements of the law for the processing of personal information.


We only give you or your authorized representative access to your account. We protect you from unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of information we hold. We regularly review our information collection, storage, and processing practices to guard against unauthorized access to our system. We only permit your data to be accessed or processed by authorized personnel. We restrict access to information to RetailWhiz employees, contractors, and agents who need to know that information in order to process it for us, and who are subject to strict contractual and technical safeguards and who may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these obligations.


We keep our records as accurate as possible. Once you have registered an account, you may access your account details, correct your personal information, and request to download or delete your personal information, by contacting us through


We do not sell your personal information to anyone for any purpose. We also do not use nor share your personal information without your consent or request. Personal information will only be disclosed to third parties in accordance with the RetailWhiz Privacy Policy.


We keep your personal information in our business records while you are an Account Owner or User, or until it is no longer needed for business, tax, or legal purposes. When disposing your personal information, we take reasonable measures to ensure that it is done properly and is not accessible to the public.

For any questions or concerns, you may contact our Personal Information Controller as follows:

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